Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emoticon earbud covers - perfect gift to express your emotions

The emoticon earbud covers are pretty cool since they are perfect to express your feelings for your loved ones. It might seem to be a dorky idea however, believe me it is the most unique offering to bring smiles or see the expected or unexpected expression of emotion on the faces of your pals.

Fred flare recently has begun selling earbuds shaped as ladybugs, rubber duckies, pigs, and Flies. Now that’s what we call intriguing the idea and turning it entirely new and innovative way. The emoticon earbuds is an artistic product which can satisfy the need of all the cuatomers. The ladybugs and rubber duckies formed earbud covers where would appeal to females to that the pigs might appeal some person with a crooked fashion sense or whacky and tacky kind of likings.

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